Mme Coumba Toure – holds a B.A. from the New College of California in the U.S.


A Dakar native, Coumba Toure is an educator, change-maker, and artist. She writes and publishes children’s books, using them to build a community that supports young people in creating their own learning tools and social change projects.

Sparking imagination and strengthening citizenship in children is linked to a broader effort to enable young adults to contribute to decision-making and problem-solving in society.

Coumba focuses on popular education as a means to spread social justice, and has been instrumental in facilitating hundreds of educational workshops worldwide on gender, race, economic justice, AIDS and advocacy. In her work, she has partnered with diverse organizations: Institute for Popular Education in Kati, Mali; African Consultants International in Dakar, Senegal; The 21st Century Youth Leadership Movement Selma, Alabama; and Youth for Environmental Sanity (YES!) in Soquel, California.

Coumba speaks regularly at universities and conferences and contributes as a Board member to several citizen organizations. She holds a B.A. from the New College of California in the U.S.

Ses Interventions


El-Ali Haidar

M. Haidar El-Ali, Directeur Générale de l’Agence Sénégalaise de la Reforestation et de la Grande Muraille verte.

Moustapha Guirassy

M. Moustapha Mamba Guirassy, Ancien Ministre et Président Directeur Général du groupe IAM.

Mary Teuw Niane

Pr Mary Teuw Niane, Ancien Ministre, actuel Président du Conseil d’Administration de PETROSEN.


Leaders, entrepreneurs confirmés, attachés à la jeunesse, à sa formation, à son leadership, à son développement personnel et professionnel. Vous traitez des secteurs à fort potentiel pour l’Afrique, Synapse vous invite à venir rencontrer, échanger, partager votre savoir, savoir-faire et expériences afin de relever le potentiel de nos jeunes à impacter positivement le continent africain.

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